What is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)?
Registered Holistic Nutritionists (RHNs) are professionals trained in Natural Nutrition and complementary therapies, whose principal function is to educate individuals and groups about the benefits and health impact of optimal nutrition.
Mainstream medicine does not emphasize the significance of poor nutrition as a major cause of a wide range of health disorders. Although most people are aware of the benefits of sound nutrition, the range of conflicting information available to the consumer is often confusing. RHNs guide their clients through the maze of information from books, magazines, supplements and diets on the market. They work with clients to identify and help correct the nutritional causes of dis-ease, and they are qualified to design personalized dietary and lifestyle programs that optimize health.
How are Allergies and Nutrition related?
A poor diet can be very taxing on the digestive system. When our food is properly digested, it is broken in several steps before the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and into the blood stream. Our bodies are designed to recognize and use nutrients as necessary for good health. However, improper nutrition and digestion can lead to an unhealthy gastro-intestinal tract. When the small intestine becomes damaged, food that may be incompletely digested can pass into the bloodstream. The body will not recognize these undigested food molecule and may trigger an immune response to attack this new ‘invader’. And with that, a sensitivity or allergy could be born.
Good nutrition is a crucial aspect necessary to work in conjunction with Bio-Energetics (BIE) in order to allow the body to re-establish balance and homeostasis. When your body is in a state of imbalance, illness, allergies and symptoms can occur. Once back in a state of homeostasis, your body can naturally alleviate itself from all allergic symptoms. By applying only one or the other, you may experience significant improvements. However, when used together, the effects will be far more profound and long-lasting.
What type of stressors can be tested and addressed?
My approach has been shown to be very effective in helping the body re-establish homeostasis quickly. When your body is in a state of imbalance, illness, allergies and symptoms can occur. Once back in a state of homeostasis, your body can naturally alleviate itself from virtually any symptom. A few of the most common stressors that subside when the body is in homeostasis include:
Food Intolerances
All food and beverages, including (but not limited to) fruit, vegetables, grains, dairy, sugars, alcohol, juices etc., can all cause an allergic symptom.
Environmental/Seasonal Intolerances
Some of the most common environmental and seasonal imbalances are molds plants, pollens, trees, grasses, weeds, flowers, dust, dust mites, fabric and fiber like feathers or wool.
Chemical Sensitivities
Many people exhibit a sensitivity response to chemicals and inhalants, household toxins, cosmetic & hygiene products and perfumes.
Animals/Pet Intolerances
It is not uncommon to elicit allergenic symptoms to the family pet or many other animals, such as dogs, cats and other animals. Even insect allergies are common.
Other Imbalances
Our bodies can even be intolerant to substances we naturally produce, such as hormones and digestive enzymes. Other imbalances and intolerances that are a regular occurrence include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, preservatives, additives, heavy metals, jewelry, latex , sun rays & solar radiation, heat, cold, stress and emotions.
How can a Holistic Nutritionist help me?
Holistic Nutrition can guide and support you in many ways, including:
- learning how to balance the nutritional needs of the body
- making sense out of conflicting theories of nutrition
- understanding the consequences of specific food choices
- learning how to make choices appropriate to your needs
- guidance on how to achieve optimal health
- gluten-free education for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity
- preparing your body for pregnancy prior to conception
- nutritional needs during pregnancy or lactation
- education about the nutritional causes of digestive disorders
- nutrition and lifestyle coaching for healthy weight loss
What can I expect to get from your service?
When clients are asked what inspires them to dedicate their time and resources to Vancouver Nutritionist, their responses almost always fall within 3 prevalent reasons:
- Clients are treated as an individuals, not a condition or a number in the system.
- The practitioner effectively educates clients on results, and subsequent recommendations.
- Clients are listened to and heard.
All clients are unique and require an individualized approach in order to address their specific needs. As a practitioner, it is crucial to hear what the client is saying so an appropriate plan can be offered. Health and wellness is a journey which requires active participation by the client. As such, clients should be educated with respect to the approach by which the practitioner intends to suggest so the client fully understands the process and purpose.